A few words about our Clinic

Many years of experience in aesthetic dentistry, which have brought us a lot of joy and often changed the lives of our patients, inspired us to add new services to our offer at Impladent Medical & Dental Clinic.
The beauty of our face, skin and teeth forms an inseparable whole of our image.
Aesthetic medicine allows us to keep our skin youthful and vital for a longer time, and eliminate its possible imperfections.
Our knowledge, experience, and appropriate equipment are the guarantee of success.
Our Team was joined by medical doctors with clinical experience – specialists in dermatology, aesthetic medicine and surgery.

Impladent Medical & Dental Clinic is one of the few clinics in Poland to offer the widest range of rejuvenating treatments, as it owns 3 lasers with various wavelengths: Er:YAG, Nd:YAG, and Dioda.
There are many lasers on the market, but only few clinics have premium class Fotona lasers, and this affects the final result and safety of treatments.
In addition to laser treatments, we also provide appearance-enhancing therapies which involve the use of fillers, lifting threads or skin rejuvenating mesotherapy and platelet-rich plasma.
We are not searching for financial compromises; instead, we offer only the most effective aesthetic medicine formulations with the best results in clinical tests.
We invite you to a consultation, during which one of our doctors will select the best therapy for you and will present a treatment plan tailored to your needs.
Depending on your needs, it is possible to use laser therapies, skin nourishing and dermal filler preparations as well as a combination of the above.
We invite you to visit the Clinic and learn more about the wide range of our treatments. You will surely find the one that is perfect for you.